Brasilia DF
the capital of hope
Brasilia is located in the Central Plateau and emerged after years of historical and geographical questioning about the transfer of political power from the coast to the interior of the country, at some central point.
Founded on April 21, 1960, Brasília is the scene of intense transformations and full of diversities, both from an economic point of view, in relation to income distribution, and from a social point of view, when analyzing the population that contemplates the capital and its surroundings, in the administrative regions.
In 1956, this quest for development and modernization took on new directions with the arrival of Juscelino Kubitscheck as president of Brazil. Having modernization as one of his hallmarks, JK, as he was better known, had the ambition to execute the “50 years in 5” project. According to this ambitious slogan, each year of his rule would represent a ten-year advance in the nation's society and economy.
Often, this type of project is marked by the realization of large works and constructions that prove what is announced. In the case of JK, the transfer and construction of a new capital was one of the actions with the greatest notoriety and impact of his government. However, the idea was not original. At various times, moving the country's capital to the interior was considered.